CA Technologies: Contribution towards a child’s future
24 August 2023
The first few years of a child’s development is the most important stage in his/her life, since the foundation of the values and principles that are taught will pretty much shape how a kid will make crucial decisions later on. At Montessori, we understand the importance of these initial years, and focus extensively on promoting ethical teachings and practices that will provide your child with a strong and sturdy foundation to build his/her core values and principles.
The first few years of a child’s development is the most important stage in his/her life, since the foundation of the values and principles that are taught will pretty much shape how a kid will make crucial decisions later on. At Montessori, we understand the importance of these initial years, and focus extensively on promoting ethical teachings and practices that will provide your child with a strong and sturdy foundation to build his/her core values and principles.
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The Montessori Education Philosophy
The educational philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori is based on the belief that education is more than just a way to develop intelligence – it is to prepare someone for life in general. Observation is the foundation of the Montessori Method, and it is through keen observation that Montessori’s Children Center can determine how best to meet each child’s emotional and developmental needs. Every child is viewed as an individual working towards reaching his or her full potential.
The Nido
Six Weeks up to 18 Months The Nido is a warm and loving environment that is meant to make a child feel comfortable, secure and loved. This program provides a variety of activities by allowing a degree of freedom to the children, who are free to explore the world through their senses of taste, touch, smell and sight. Children are given independence by placing all activities on the lower shelves, allowing them to take part if they choose.
The Children’s Community
18 Months to Three Years The Children’s Community fosters self-respect, independence, respect for others and environmental awareness. This is a language-rich environment which includes language card games, conversations, picture cards, books and music. In the Children’s Community – cooking, cleaning, gardening, dressing oneself, washing hands, setting the table, and cleaning the dishes helps children gain self-esteem and respect for the environment and helps in the refinement of movement and developing both gross and fine motor skills. Singing is done throughout the day and is a normal aspect of the Montessori classroom. In addition, musical instruments that are small and easily manageable by children are introduced. A variety of art activities also allows them to improve their fine motor skills. Painting easels are provided to help the development of budding artists.
The Primary Room
Three Years to Six Years In this class, the children continue to work individually with Montessori’s materials to progress at their own pace. A typical day involves outdoor play, gross motor activities, story and music time, and an allotted period to have snacks and/or meals. The focus of the Primary Room is still on the development of independence and life skills, but the children are allowed to attempt a broad range of new activities in the Montessori curriculum. It places a greater importance on the refinement of oral language into reading and writing by following a phonetic-based approach. Geography, science, history, art and music are all an integral part of the Montessori curriculum.
The Third Year Program
It is in the third year of the primary program that all of the previous experiences and indirect preparation provided to the child come together, helping the child blossom. The children have a hands-on experience with the more advanced Montessori materials so that they learn the most abstract of concepts in a very concrete way. In a Montessori classroom, not only are the intellectual needs of the child answered, but the physical and emotional ones are also given due importance.
Holiday Care and the CA Academy
Summer Camp CA Technologies offers holiday care for the days when most public schools are closed, and the organization opens for the employees’ children who are under the age of 13. During the holidays, there will be special projects and homework with children. The CA Academy Summer camp will be offered in Islandia, and other locations where there is demand for the program , a parent says aboutCA Technologies Montessori Children’s CenterPrachi Pakhmode who is the Mother of Avi Meher shares her experience about her child “When Avi came here, we were not sure how he would behave, and even if he would eat properly! Of course, we saw all the kids were becoming very independent, and this is the outcome of the Montessori style. We are happy with the school and especially with the teachers. Yasmeen was there from day one, and she was very patient not only with Avi but also with us, as we had many questions. We had a great experience, and we honestly don’t know how the kids will find such experiences in other schools after we leave CA Montessori children’s centre, but till now it is fantastic.”
“I remember that when she was little, she used to go to a play school and only knew Malayalam. In that play school, she even had a Malayali teacher as well, but she would be eagerly waiting for us and was not ready to learn other languages. When she came to MCC, on the first day she was telling her father that the school is ‘Adipoli,’ which in Malayali means a fantastic school – a home away from home. She learned everything so fast. I was a little sceptical since they were not making then write things – after all, how else will they learn? But I am quite happy with her growth and everything else. Whatever she is now, it’s because she was molded by MCC. Thank you so much.”says Neethu Amrit –Mother of Pritika Amrit Balamurugan, theFather of Balasivanesan says how he overcame the barriers in the initial days.
“When he joined here, language was one of the barriers which he quickly overcame. The parents have the luxury of visiting the centre anytime to see what their child is doing, while in other schools we would probably have to wait outside the gate. I am thankful for the responses which I got from the management. Thank you!”